Behind the Scenes

“Growing up in America and traveling to other parts of the world throughout different periods (1950-present) and experiences which shaped my character preparing the way for this huge responsibility.” Phil Seifer

The Day of Elijah Film and Book by Phil Seifer

Phil Seifer, the man behind the film: The Day of Elijah

Phil Seifer, the mega mind behind the film: The Day of Elijah[/caption]Phil Seifer is the mega mind behind this film. He shares some thoughts with us on why he is creating this film and companion book.

Phil speaks of his travels and his wife: “Ester, my wife, who was supportive in the development of all things vital for the success of our work. In contrast to myself, grew up in Germany and unaware of her affliction of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). We met and began our relationship in 1966.  I attended N.Y.C. for Mechanical Engineering and Film School (SVA, N.Y.C. 1974-1980) and prepared the ground work to create  and carryout the will of the Lord.

My escapades from California to Europe during 1968 to 1972 was when I experienced major culture changes such as music, socialistic societies, etc. I experienced the pretentiousness of what the “New Age Movement” offered. I began to understand why people were attracted to Yoga and Meditation.

My student film thesis titled, “From the Esoteric to the Exoteric, A Homage to Rudolf Steiner”. The private screening, acceptance and sponsoring of the film was by Cine International, Munich Germany.

The film screening was where I met Ester and when we started our relationship for the next 30 years, this being a great benefit to all. I’ll share more about this in the film.

Coming back to NYC to write the film Script, was where I attended a lecture and met Lee DeVries/Elijah the Hebrew Prophet. Finding him appearing as Elijah, sent by the Lord, as written in Malachi lll/23 prior to the Coming of the Messiah!

All this magnificent knowledge and wisdom has practical everyday results such as:

  • Patents to Neutralize HIV 100%,
  • Energy and the truth regarding Vaccines
  • President Ronald Reagan’s Dr. Johnson calling me
  • My meeting with 2 Angels at 4 years old
  • And much, much more is revealed in the film

The intricate work with Lee DeVries/Elijah the Prophet, who revealed extraordinary spiritual information to me was astonishing and breathtaking. I still get Goosebumps thinking of what transpired! The estimate of, 20—40 Million people or more, have benefited from his legacy without knowing it. This is all well documented and will be verified in the film and companion book. The film and book are easy to understand and will uplift viewers our Creator, Elohim intended.